
Happy Blogiversary to Me!

Today is my four year blogiversary!!!!!!

*throws confetti* *cuts the cake*

That’s right – four years ago today, I started this blog. It was just a wee little blog over on Blogger, started simply as a way to keep a visual record of my growing family (because I’m crap at keeping up with the baby books).

Yes, it’s still a near invisible little blog, sitting quietly in its little corner of the interwebz. That’s ok – I know that there is a lot more competition for your attention out there in the blogisphere, and I still believe I have a solid little blog. I appreciate the followers that I have, as well as all my peeps who comment on my posts on Facebook.

Four years. Roughly 700 posts. Seven. Hundred. (Ok, to be precise, this post is number 704.)

Countless pictures, redrafts, edits, coffee and late nights.

Lots of late nights.

As the years have passed, my writing has gotten stronger, my photography become more intentional, and I’ve had a blast all the way.

This year, I decided to give myself my blog its own birthday present – I’m getting a redesign. Actually, you may have noticed that elements are disappearing, like the links to my Facebook and Twitter account. My “girl in a martini glass” logo inexplicably disappeared last week, which I’m pretty cheesed about. Apparently, the theme I’ve been using is out of date, so with each WordPress update, elements of the theme disappear. I decided that if I’ve got to change the theme, I’m going whole hog. Stay tuned for the unveiling of the NEW Momma on the Rocks…

In the meantime, if you are a newcomer to Momma on the Rocks, stay, have a look around (please ignore the dust bunnies).

I just want to say thank you to all the people who have commented on my blog over the years. What started out as a way to keep my far-flung family updated on how my kidlings are doing has become so much more and a labor of love.

The kind of labor that doesn’t leave stretch marks.




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