

I have a lot of goals. Some are big. Some are small. Some are seemingly ridiculous but goals nonetheless (preferably by Thanksgiving….)

Someday, I will tick them off my life list.

Someday, I will figure out just how to carve a turkey without making it look like Freddy Krueger runs the kitchen.

Someday I will lose those last twenty pounds (again) – for good.

Someday, I will run a half-marathon. Run, not walk. And finish it.


Someday I WILL unblock my blocked artistic side and not look at my sketchbook with fear of failure.

Heck, maybe someday I won't be afraid of failing.


Someday, I will illustrate a children's book.

Someday, I will rock a RED dress.

Someday I will say just exactly what I NEED to say when I need to say it – to smoothly churn out that perfect comeback on the spot – and not later, as I rehash the conversation opinion my head.


Someday, I will find my confidence and banish worry.


Someday, I will pee without being walked in on by my children or stared at by my dog.

Someday I will be back to blogging more consistently. Someday I will go to a blog conference and not have people's eyes brush over my name tag and dismiss me, because they want to meet ME as much as I want to meet them.

Someday, I will figure out what I want to be when I grow up.


Mama’s Losin’ It



  • Kate Hainge

    I read this without my glasses and thought your opening paragraph was about goats! Was most concerned that on top of a transatlantic move you were going to have to rehome a lot of big, small and seemingly ridiculous goats….

    • Jenn

      Kate, at this point, I’d welcome a lot of ridiculous goats. It has to be easier than dealing with the corporate relocation people who are meant to make my life “easier”.

  • Michelle | The American Resident

    Nice post, I’m sure a lot of people can relate to these thoughts–I know I can. Although my daughter is at an age now that if she waked in on me having a pee I’d just laugh while she would DIE of EMBARASSMENT. ‘Oh. My. God. Mom. Lock. The. DOOR!’ She’d say. 😉

    I have to say, if you lose 20 pounds there won’t be anything left of you to rock that red dress with! You’re already hotter than you realise 🙂 And I loved meeting you at a blog conference by the way! x

    • Jenn

      sweetie, I have gained back everything I’d lost before that last blog conference. Right now, I’d more be rolling that red dress, but thanks for the kind thoughts.

  • Kristy

    Carving the turkey is Pete’s job. Besides, who cares what it looks like as long as it tastes good!

    Some day you need to see yourself like others see you because you look great!

    • Jenn

      I’ve never seen my husband carve a turkey. Actually, my dad cooks theirs the day before, butchers it up and puts it in a pan to serve later, so I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a turkey carved at the table! our family dinners are too big!

  • Mimi

    Don’t think you are doing to bad. Lots of changes in the last three years. Lots of growing. And a lot more of both in the near future. You will do fine. Don’t be to hard on yourself.

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