adventures,  blogging,  Travel

I’m Sailing….Sailing Away

Today is the day.

The day that has got me through this dreadful winter.

Through 70+ inches of snow and who knows how days of many sub-zero weather. (Ok, Tom Skilling from WGN probably knows, but whatever.)

Through the down coat, the pale, dry winter skin and hair electrified by static.

I’m in Florida. Port Canaveral to be exact. And I’m boarding the Disney Fantasy.


For seven days, I won’t be cooking, washing dishes, scrubbing toilets or folding clothes. I won’t be making beds. I will be kicking back, reading my book, splashing in the pool, trying not to eat too much fattening stuff, and generally  turning off my brain.

I’ll also be unplugging, because internet at sea is a very pricey object. International roaming is too.

I’ve scheduled some posts, but in general, I’m taking a break and (hopefully) enjoying some long-awaited sunshine.

VERY long-awaited.

So, in the words of my buddy Mickey Mouse, I’ll “See You REAL Soon”.

xx Jenna

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