Books,  Reviews

Book Reviewer Fail (or, Coming Soon on #WIRW)


I spent last week at the Outer Banks of North Carolina with one eye deep in my Kindle (with many thanks to NetGalley) and the other on the ocean, scanning for shark fins. Thankfully, the only sightings were (erroneously) that of a porpoise (but you can’t be too safe), and “Bob”, served at Tortuga’s Lie full of blood-red Grenadine syrup to pour into my nine-year-olds glass of pink lemonade. (The drink is aptly named the “Near Miss”, by the way.)


All in all, I worked my way through eight galleys in ten days, and I read some amazing novels that I can’t wait to share with you!

Unfortunately, you’ll have to do just that: wait. Because in my rush to load the NetGalley docs onto my Kindle, I forgot to check out both the publication dates and whether there were any embargoes on reviews. And because I’m me, and such is my luck, pretty much every book had a “hold until publication” request… and a publication date of August or beyond.

Yes, I read every book that couldn’t be reviewed this month. Well done, me – the perfect book reviewer fail.

On the upside, when I have all the posts written, I’ll have reviews for you lined up through October!  Here is just a sneak peek of the books I have coming soon to you on the interwebz:


Yes, I’m such a tease.

And, yes, I realize The Little Paris Bookshop has been published. It was a late addition to the Kindle, so it is as-yet unread. Like I said, I’m the world’s most unorganized book reviewer when I’m rushed to leave for vacation.

I highly recommend taking a week’s vacation to do nothing but that which you like to blog about.

Unless you blog about depression. Or eating disorders. Or how to cope with over-dramatic, whiny kids. Then just take a vacation, just because you deserve it. (But if you write about how to cope with over-dramatic, whiny kids, shoot me a link to your blog. Because I have a nine-year-old going on 16. I need help. And more vodka. But that’s another blog post entirely.)

The best bit is that (yay) the kids return to school in exactly 32 days, 14 hours and roughly 20 minutes, so I will be able to get back into MY routine, which means exercise, read MORE, and bring you more reviews AND blog posts back on a mostly regular basis.

Not that I’m counting or anything.

But I digress.

To sum things up, this is my rambling, weak way of saying that I don’t have a book review for you this week but STAY TUNED as I’ll be very busy in the next week getting all the reviews written (so I can request more books for me you on NetGalley).

Who I’d like to thank for both the books AND for this badge.

NetGalleyI’m a “professional” reader, y’all. I need to hang this up or put it on a t-shirt so when the Hubs comes home and sees dog hair on the floor and wet laundry munging up the front loader washer and my nose in a book, I can tell him that I’m hard at work.

Kinda sorta.


So tell me: What have you been reading this summer?


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