10 Sentences: Luck
“Es regalo” she said as she offered a sprig of Rosemary.
“Free. For good luck.”
But I knew if I accepted, she’d grab my hand to read my palm – and as she would consider a coin to be “bad luck”, the least she would accept is a €5 note.
I smile and say “No gracias”, firmly.
And repeat it four more times.
But as I pass on her offer of luck, think about the good fortune I do possess.
I’m grateful for the opportunity that allows me to sit here on the steps of the Cathedral in Seville.
It is a gift to be able to slow down the sometimes overwhelming pace of daily life and watch the passers-by, the wandering tourists, the office workers as heels click on the pavement, the street vendors aggressively plying their wares, the man on the corner roasting chestnuts.
And the street singers that teasingly danced across the street to serenade me as I sit here, laughing.
I have luck enough, and life is good.

Please visit Mama’s Losin’ It to see the rest of the offerings for this week’s workshop!

This is good. It’s worth every second to sit and think about all the things that make us fortunate.
Ahhhh, sounds like that good life for sure. 🙂 Love the photo too!
Sarah Honey
Naila Moon
What a fun post. I love the photo and laughed with you.