The Mother’s Day Gift That Keeps on Giving…Laughter
Yesterday I was trying to take a break from social media and be present and in the moment and all that stuff but today, I really need to share with you the gifts I was given for Mother’s Day.
My Mother’s Day started with the offer of breakfast. Ish. “Would you like me to make you a bagel, Mom?”
Hmm. “How about a bowl of Cheerios, with strawberries?” My 10-year-old nodded confidently. “I can do that, Mom”. (I guess it’s well past time to teacher her how to scramble an egg. She’s finally tall enough where I won’t worry – much – about her setting fire to herself at the stove top.)
After breakfast, she sat waiting for the menfolk to join us, as the Hubs walked in with flowers for me. (Miss M whispered “he was going to get you roses, but I told him, no, you like tulips”. I high-fived her.
“Can we give Mom her cards now?” Along with three cards on the fireplace hearth sat a Nike shoebox, haphazardly taped shut with colorful Washi tape – a clear sign of Miss M’s hand in the effort. I was intrigued. When I opened it, it was full of crafting feathers in neon hues. I sneezed and found an IOU for a new Fitbit band. As well as this IOU, there was also a range of fragrances that I said I wanted. This was ages ago, so how they remembered, I have no idea. But it was perfect. They then handed me my cards – one from each of my children, including the spaniel variety, of course.
Saving the best for last, Miss M handed me a coupon book she had created herself. It’s definitely all her if it is lacking her usual glitter and neon. On the inside cover was a message stating that the coupons never expire AND I may use any and all of them as many times as I’d like. Flipping through them, it struck me how well she pays attention, such as how whenever I take them shopping, I typically get something for everyone but me (mostly because by the time they are done with their shopping, they are DONE). Whatever the reason, it has resulted in a “pick out whatever you want and we’ll pay”.
I wonder what they’ll say when I ask for a tummy tuck. That should go really well with the “we’ll do all the household chores for a weekend.”
You know, my kids surprise me every day. Sometimes it’s good. (They do something without being asked.)
Sometimes, not so much (like the gym socks left in my car.)
So this may be a coupon that doesn’t see as much love, and that’s ok, because there were also coupons for shoulder, back, and foot massages, with testimonials that I will love them!
The coupon book is completely awesome, the writing is pure Miss M, and I loved it. This is one gift that I WILL cherish forever.
However, I do have a few thoughts on the contents of the coupon book and accompanying notes:
I don’t think she really thought out the “Use as many times as you want” offer and believe she
The kids are going to need an allowance to hold up their end of the deal. Since I don’t just toss money at them, they are going to need a few more chores to justify the allowance all this free spending will require, because I do love me some Starbucks.
I am confident that I will get all the money back using the “No fighting for a day” coupon. Every time they fight, they pay me $1 (per sentence, but still…). Heck, she’s touting the fact that I’ll earn a lot of money.
My money, and we’ll use the word “earn” loosely.
I do appreciate my daughter’s honesty.

I can appreciate my husband’s honesty as well.

They are pretty much all the awesome that I need. I’m a lucky mom.
Who has a free pass to buy as much wine as I need to get them through puberty.

Gmom Phyl
This is wonderful, Jenn!! Did I miss something from Sam?? Yes, your children could go broke, paying for all these promises!
I also love the special note that I get from Maddie. So thought out.