This Month I’m Participating in NaNoWriBloPoDoSomeMoMo. (I’m Writing)
The first of November brings many things:
- a belly ache from over-consumption of the kids’ Trick-or-Treat candy (which, surprisingly, does NOT mix well with the margaritas I consumed to survive three hours of doorbell ringing);
- the lethargic gathering of Halloween decorations from around the house, which will typically sit on the hall bench for another few days until I find the energy to dig out the “Halloween decorations” bin from the garage;
- a panicked, anxious and last-minute sign up for “NaNoWriMo”, which stand for “National Novel Writing Month”, where I commit to writing about 2000 words a day, attempting to complete a novel;
- the alternate desperate commitment to participate in “NaBloPoMo” – National Blog Post Month, where one commits to writing a blog post every single day – after observing the fall back-to-school lull in my writing, during which time I promised myself to find a more regular writing schedule but instead spent a good part of the day tossing the ball to the spaniel;
- that moment in which I realize that writing 2000 words a day in any form is probably a completely ridonkulous goal, but that I just simply need to write SOME MORE.
This year, a combination of the latter three is my new goal. I’ve signed up for NaNoWriMo, even though the novel I’ve been working on is a heaping pile of cow poo and is going nowhere, so hopefully I’ll give it a new lease on life or start something new (and yes, I’ve got nothing.) I’ve committed to writing a blog post daily, so I’ll apologize in advance for what is to come.
And mostly, I need to write something, somewhere.
So I’ve named this endeavor “NaNoWriBloPoDoSomeMoMo”
A little bit of both writing paths, with the general goal to write “some mo(re)”.
This should prove to be interesting.
Wish me luck. And, please, come along for the ride.
(And comment. For the love of all that’s good and holy – leave me a comment.)