You Do You
book review,  Books

You Do You (and Go Buy This Book)



Have I mentioned this?  I am in a book.


And not only am I in a book, but my daughter Maddie is in the SAME book.

(Ok, I’m trying to tamp down my rampant jealousy that she was officially published at 12 when it took me until none-of-your-damn-business years to get published in PRINT.)

But that’s okay because I AM IN A BOOK.

And it is amazing. And so what we need for our girls right now.

Did I mention that it is amazing and I am excited?
NO? I didn’t mention I was excited? I AM.

If you didn’t deduct it from the big sparkly book overhead, the book is titled You Do You, and it is all about empowering the girls in our lives. To steal a line from the blurb:  “In a parenting age that often tells young girls that they are somehow “less than,” one award-winning publisher decided to assemble a collection of voices to celebrate the girls in our lives. These are those stories.”


These are some incredible stories and beautiful poems. I laughed out loud and I also ruined a perfectly good application of mascara, too.

I’m humbled to be in the company of some pretty amazing writers – thirty-six other female writers, to be exact, who are gathered to share their relatable essays about the hits and misses of strong, confident daughters.

My strong, confident daughter was one of those thirty-seven other writers, as this installment in her anthology series is the first to include young voices. Pretty cool to include the voices of those we are trying to empower, huh?

The other authors in this amazing book are Dana Aritnovich, Julia Arnold, Kim Bongiorno, Julia Bozza, Galit Breen, Abby Byrd, E.R. Catalano, Abigail Clark, Dorrit Corwin, Sarah Cottrell, Deva Dalporto, A.M. Dalporto, Whitney Dineen, Katy Farber, Mary Kay Jordan Fleming, Kim Forde, Leslie Gaar, Shya Gibbons, Monica Gokey, Alice Gomstyn, Tracy Hargen, Joy Hedding, Susanne Kerns, Harper Kincaid, Catherine Kremer, Janel Mills, Miranda Raye, Katie Bingham Smith, Sherry Stanfa-Stanley, Kateyln Sullivan, Megan Sullivan, Julie Vick, Mandy Waysman, Mai Wen.

Did I mention that You Do You is the sixth book in the New York Times bestselling I Just Want to Pee Alone series?  Author and founder of the popular blog People I Want to Punch in the Throat, Jen Mann, is the mastermind behind this book, editor and has contributed an essay (which makes it easy to see what inspired her to put it all together).

I might be a little in awe at the company I’m in.

I wrote a piece about how difficult it is to teach your daughter not to let words others say hurt you when, let’s face it, you let them hurt YOU.  And my Maddie contributed a poem to this collection, in which she kind of proves I shouldn’t worry so much.

So what do I want you to do?



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Let me know what you think. If you like You Do You, PLEASE leave a review.

I’m probably not done talking about this yet, but did I mention that I’M REALLY EXCITED?

I am. WE are.

And we’re damned proud to be part of this book.


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