• Image of two books - Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries and Emily Wilde's Map of the Otherworlds.
    book review,  Books

    Reviewing EMILY WILDE’S MAP OF THE OTHERLANDS (and Fixing An Terrible Oversight)

    Tuesday was release day for Heather Fawcett’s newest book Emily Wilde’s Map of the Otherlands and THIS review should have come out then but for two things. The first little thing is the cold wave choking Texas AND how much it’s become a pain in the keister for me and my pool. (I hope to never have one again.) The second was that I was horrified to discover that I didn’t write on the blog about her FIRST book in this series, Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries, which was, quite frankly (and in a poor but accurate choice of words,) amazeballs. (My apologies to the kind people at Del Rey/Penguin…

  • book review,  Books

    My Year in Books -2023

    It’s been a challenging year and books have been my escape. I’ve worked hard to stay off of social media, and somehow this extended to the blog as I sunk deeper into my books. How successful was my avoidance tactic? My goal for the year was 50 books. I posted 80 to Goodreads (and I’m sure I’m missing some library books from the summer…) While I’ve been remission sharing book reviews here, I’ve been more consistent with reviewing them on Goodreads – and in return, I get a lovely graphic from them that shows all the books I’ve read. Here’s my year in books for 2023! I read a mix…

  • book review,  Books

    Book Tour and Review: The Edge of Too Late by Jan Sikes

    Believe me when I say I’m so happy to be back with Lone Star Book Blog Tours to bring you a wonderful book! November was a tough reading month, personally, as Covid finally caught me, and since recovering it has been a battle to concentrate on anything, which is a massive source of annoyance for this bookworm. That also means that for me to finish a book, it REALLY has to hold my attention, and trust me when I say that The Edge of Too Late did just that! Read on to learn more about this book that is a fun mash-up of suspense with a little light romance and…

  • book review,  Books

    Spotlight Post! The Third Dawn: From Bethlehem to Golgotha by Thomas J. Nichols

    It’s been a while, but I’m back with Lone Star Lit on a “Pop-Up Blog-Hop” featuring Thomas J. Nichols’ updated novel The Third Dawn: From Bethlehem to Golgotha. For fans of inspirational religious & historical fiction, this would make a lovely gift for the upcoming holiday. Read on to learn more about the book, enter in the giveaway, and check out more blogs on the tour! THE THIRD DAWN: From Bethlehem to GolgothaBy Thomas J. Nichols Inspirational Religious Fiction / Historical Fiction  Publisher: Nicholson Books Page Count: 212 pages Publication Date: September 14, 2023 Updated version with new dialogue and more detailed descriptions Scroll down for a giveaway! SYNOPSIS Nichols…

  • book review,  Books

    Book Review: Morning in This Broken World by Katrina Kittle

    I read Morning in This Broken World by Katrina Kittle a few months ago. It was a book I’d been awaiting, as I’m a huge fan of Kittle’s novels. It was well worth the wait. And needless to say, a review here is more than overdue here. To be clear: the delay is more a factor of life getting in the way than any reflection of my opinion on the novel – because I loved it. Synopsis My Thoughts At this moment, I’m sitting in my bedroom, currently isolating with Covid. The irony of this is not lost on me, but it feels all the more relevant to write the…

  • book review,  Books

    Books I Read in October

    Yes, it’s November 6 already and here I am putting out an October list. I have an excuse though – on October 31, Covid finally caught up with me. (So help me, I do not want to hear one more word of “Covid is still around?” because yes, dearies, it so is, and my doctor says this current strain is about as nasty as the old one. Believe me when I say I regret delaying getting the booster, because I would have loved for this to be an easier week.) While I’m STILL testing positive, I’m feeling much better except for the cough (and I already have a chronic cough,…

  • book review,  Books

    So Sorry For Your Loss by Dina Gachman

    Sometimes you get handed the perfect book for just the right moment in time. When the opportunity to review So Sorry For Your Loss: How I Learned to Live With Grief, and Other Grave Concerns, it was rapidly approaching the one year anniversary of my dad’s passing. When I actually sat down to read it, it was almost his “heavenly” birthday, as my friends refer to it. I couldn’t imagine a better or timely gift. Keep reading to learn more about this non-fiction book dealing with grief and loss, check out my thoughts on it, and enter the giveaway to win one of three copies signed by the author. Many…

  • book review,  Books

    Book Review: Answers in the Pages by David Levithan

    I have to give a great big thank you to one of my teen’s former middle school language arts teachers for recommending Answers in the Pages by author David Levithan. It’s lovely, timely, and important. There are so many wonderful lines in this book that it was difficult to narrow down which to share, but this one hit me hard enough that I wrote it on a sticky note: “While the meaning of a book may be informed by the author’s intentions, it isn’t defined by them. Meaning comes from the combination of what the author puts in, and what the reader takes out.” As a writer, I can only…

  • book review,  Books

    Spotlight on: Winning Maura’s Heart by Linda Broday

    I’m way behind on book reviews but popping in with a spotlight on what looks to be yet another lovely heartfelt historical fiction by New York Times bestselling author, Linda Broday. Winning Maura’s Heart is the first book in her new series: The Hangman’s Daughter and it looks to be amazing based on the reviews I’ve read so far. (I’ve long been a fan of Linda’s historical fiction as they mesh a sweet, clean romance with a western setting. However, Christena’s review over at Forgotten Winds had me putting this book on order asap!) Read on to learn more about the book, check out some notable lines from the story…

  • book review,  Books

    Book Review: SKYRIDERS by Polly Holyoke

    I’m really pleased to dig into some middle grade books for a bit, and I’m kicking off my MG reading with Skyriders, the first book in a new fantasy/adventure series from the amazing Polly Holyoke! I’m joining in with Lone Star Book Blogs tours to share my review. Read on to see what I thought about Skyriders and check out Polly’s fun book trailer and the adorable giveaway for this tour! SKYRIDERSSkyriders Series, #1by Polly Holyoke Children’s Fantasy / Middle Grade Readers / Mythical Stories / AdventurePublisher: Viking Books for Young ReadersDate of Publication: March 7, 2023Number of Pages: 304 pages  Scroll down for Giveaway! SYNOPSIS Wings of Fire meets Pax in this…