• Image of two books - Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries and Emily Wilde's Map of the Otherworlds.
    book review,  Books

    Reviewing EMILY WILDE’S MAP OF THE OTHERLANDS (and Fixing An Terrible Oversight)

    Tuesday was release day for Heather Fawcett’s newest book Emily Wilde’s Map of the Otherlands and THIS review should have come out then but for two things. The first little thing is the cold wave choking Texas AND how much it’s become a pain in the keister for me and my pool. (I hope to never have one again.) The second was that I was horrified to discover that I didn’t write on the blog about her FIRST book in this series, Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries, which was, quite frankly (and in a poor but accurate choice of words,) amazeballs. (My apologies to the kind people at Del Rey/Penguin…