Books I Read in October
Yes, it’s November 6 already and here I am putting out an October list. I have an excuse though – on October 31, Covid finally caught up with me. (So help me, I do not want to hear one more word of “Covid is still around?” because yes, dearies, it so is, and my doctor says this current strain is about as nasty as the old one. Believe me when I say I regret delaying getting the booster, because I would have loved for this to be an easier week.) While I’m STILL testing positive, I’m feeling much better except for the cough (and I already have a chronic cough,…
Book Review: The Return by Rachel Harrison
I took a break from all the historical fiction I’ve been reading and grabbed an ARC (thank you NetGalley) of Rachel Harrison’s upcoming release titled The Return. This was one seriously creepy work of horror. Read on to see why this one had me rethinking some upcoming hotel choices. Some links in this post are affiliate links that earn me a commission if you purchase through them. All opinions are my own. MY THOUGHTS ON THE RETURN Oh my goodness, y’all, this book…this book was deliciously and vividly CREEPY. And humorous at times. And… touching. Sound like an odd combination? Yes. And it worked. What a page turner! This is…
The Astral Traveler’s Daughter by K.C. Archer
I so loved School for Psychics by K.C. Archer that I pounced on a copy of its sequel, The Astral Traveler’s Daughter, when it was made available by NetGalley and the publisher for review. Read on for my take on this easy reading paranormal thriller. This is the second book in the School for Psychics series by author K.C. Archer. As it picks up just a few months after the prior book left off and there is little in the way of backstory provided (and no prologue to guide you in), I’ll recommend that you read these books in order. And you should, because The Astral Traveler’s Daughter is a lot of…
Thursday Things
With spring break behind me, I’ve got a lot of things rattling in my head. Most of it isn’t enough for a full post, but are loosely related. Thursday Things is a bit of a brain dump – a bit of what I’m excited about, a bit of what has me frustrated, and it all took place during spring break. Oh, and there are affiliate links in this post. I talk about those, too. Kind of. Shh. • • • In Which I Get On My Soapbox and Rant About Coaches and Vacations Last week was spring break for our school district. We didn’t go anywhere because we are rule…