• stock

    Delicious Chicken Stock in your Instant Pot

      So you’ve cooked a whole chicken in your Instant Pot or roasted a Tuscan-style chicken in the oven, and you saved the carcass like you were told to do…now all that’s left is to turn that leftover mess into some amazing chicken stock.  Once you see how easy it is, you may just never buy it from the store again! I’ve made mine with one or two chicken carcasses, and with a basic cooking time of two hours – but if you have the time, you can let it pressure cook for up to four hours, and really draw out all the yummy goodness from the chicken bones. Cook’s…

  • Uncategorized

    Tuscan-Style Lemon Roast Chicken

    This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #PowerfulFusionClean #CollectiveBias My search for meals that are easy to prepare – and easy to clean up – is never-ending.  One trusty standby is roast chicken. Quick to throw together, it comes out like a dream and leaves you with one pan to clean! While it’s always tempting to grab one from the deli at the grocery store (let’s face it – they are usually tiny), a roast chicken made at home gives you bragging rights. We moms can always use extra bragging rights. One recipe that is a family favorite is this…

  • Recipes

    Chocolate Eclair Dessert

    Some foods can bring to mind a moment or a memory with the very first bite. My mother had such a recipe. It was a chocolate eclair dessert, and it seemed to me that it was really only ever made for special occasions – mostly holiday potlucks or family picnics. (Ok – I may have asked for it for my birthday instead of cake.) It was rare to see it during the winter, come to think of it. If she got a wild hair, we might come home to find it in the fridge – a visit home would become a special occasion – but that was more the exception than the…

  • Recipes

    Thai Pork with Peanut Sauce

    I’m lucky. My kidlings are tweens/teens now and are completely capable of entertaining themselves, so a snow day (or two) doesn’t seem to be the challenge that it once was when they were younger. We hang out in our PJs, they make their own snacks, and it’s all quite low-key if I can keep the squabbling to a minimum. Then and now, when we have a snow day, I tend to reach for comfort foods and well-loved slow cooker recipes, the kind that you put together in the morning with little fuss and with ingredients that I generally have in my pantry. This, my friends, is one of them, and…