Aunt Jeanne’s Pumpkin Cake
It’s fall, and certainly, that means all-you-can pumpkin. I love pumpkin so much that when fall comes around, I question why I don’t ever bake anything pumpkin the rest of the year! And while this whole pumpkin spice business is getting a bit out of hand (and by the taste of it, “pumpkin spice” refers more to the spice than the squash) – I’ve seen pumpkin spice tortilla chips, PopTarts, pudding, cookies, non-dairy creamer, ice cream, English muffins – you name it, they’ve pumpkined it! But forget about all that. You NEED to taste THIS pumpkin cake. It’s one of my go-to recipes when I want pumpkin cake but I’m…
A Dancer’s Fracture? Oh, the Irony.
Without a moment to lose, I dashed into the street, swooping aside the toddler who had wandered in front of the delivery truck barreling down on us, shoving him aside as I… Nope. I was high up on the wall at the climbing gym when my harness failed… Nah. Everyone knows I hate heights. I was sucked into the battle, knives swirling and flashing as magic erupted around us… Closer. (No, really.) Fine. I was curled up on my sofa, lost in a battle scene from the draft of a fantasy/adventure book sent to me by a high school friend for feedback when my right foot fell asleep. It was…
Favorite Book Picks for Fall Reading
Summer vacation is but a memory as kids are back to school, fall weather is looming and Christmas decorations are popping up in stores. (Believe it or not, my Kindle is quickly filling with Christmas-themed books for holiday season reviews – hard to get in the mood, too, when it’s 94 degrees and I’m sweating on my patio.) But I digress…as we get back into the swing of homework, sport practice, dance lessons and the like, you KNOW you are going to need some downtime, so when you can find it, I have the perfect reads for you. I’ve had my nose in a book all summer, so the following are (a…