• mummy molasses bars

    Mummy Molasses Bars

    It’s always time for dessert – and these molasses bars are the perfect sweet-but-not-too-sweet fall treat. Some links in this post are affiliate links that earn me a commission if you purchase from them. Fall has arrived in Texas with temperatures dipping into…the eighties. The neighborhood is decorated with skeletons and tombstones, and the candy bowl – the one ready for trick-or-treaters – already needs to be restocked. But sometimes I need something more substantial – I need molasses bars. And since it’s nearly Halloween, a creative application with the icing will make it look like a cute mummy! If you are ready for a break from pumpkin anything (not…

  • An American in Wales

    Halloween, Here vs There

    Halloween in the UK (at least where we live) is very different from how it is celebrated in the US. In the US, it’s very much a commercial holiday. You’ll find rows upon rows of costumes at your big box stores, and your smaller stores as well. You’ll find AISLES in those same big box stores packed, from top to bottom, with bags of candy to be handed out. You’ll find costumes of the Power Rangers, princesses, Spider Man, Superman – you name it, they have a costume for it. Towns in the US have designated times for trick or treating. And, of course, there are rules: if the porch…

  • An American in Wales

    Halloween Hell

    Let me say, for the record, that I hate Halloween. Hate. It. It is my least favorite holiday, with Valentine’s Day taking a close second. (But that’s another post, entirely.) Why, you ask? Perhaps if I explain in the form of a haiku… Halloween costume Striking terror in my heart My ideas suck Yeppers. I hate the pressure of coming up with a really cool Halloween costume. Perhaps it was because so many of my childhood costumes…well…sucked. (No offense, mom.) To be honest, I couldn’t tell you what I was for many a Halloween. The costumes were either that unremarkable, or I’ve completely blocked it out. (I’m leaning towards the…