• adventures

    Holiday Fun at the Perot Museum (+ Giveaways)

      Dallas friends, be sure to set aside time over the holiday break to head downtown for a family trip to the Perot Museum of Nature and Science!  Yesterday I zipped into the city for Family Blogger Day at the Perot, where we were able to explore the new exhibits and check out the new 3-D films in the theater, and I guarantee, you won’t be disappointed!   Dr. Ron Tykoski, a paleontologist and fossil preparator at the Perot Museum, was on hand to talk to us about Ellie May, a Columbian wooly mammoth who was discovered last year outside of Italy, Texas in a gravel pit during excavation.  They’ve…

  • Christmas-romances-novels
    Books,  Reviews

    Two Christmas Romances

      I’ll be honest: I could have (and should have) titled this post “Two Christmas Romances featuring Overly Considerate and Infuriating Men” because the main male characters in each spend a lot of the book fighting against their feelings because they want to protect the main female characters from getting their hearts broken – by them. But that title is hell on SEO so I had to keep it short and simple.  I enjoyed both of the books, and since I spent most of each wanting to throttle both characters for their thoughtful (and, yes, let’s call a spade a spade) somewhat self-absorbed justification (because really, they could have gotten their hearts broken just as…