Book Review: Chasing the White Lion by James R Hannibal
I’m not gonna lie – I was itching to grab a copy of James R. Hannibal’s recent release Chasing the White Lion and join in on this blog tour with Lone Star Lit. Chasing the White Lion is the exciting sequel to The Gryphon Heist, and it did NOT disappoint. If you are a fan of spy thrillers, this is the book for you. Read on to learn more about the book, read my review, and enter the fabulous giveaway! Thanks to Lone Star Book Blog Tour and the author for providing me with an advance e-copy of the book. CHASING THE WHITE LION(Talia Inger, Book Two)byJAMES R. HANNIBAL Genre:…
Book Review: The Gryphon Heist by James R Hannibal
Hold on to your hats, because The Gryphon Heist by James R. Hannibal was unputdownable! I haven’t picked up a spy novel in a long time, and this one did NOT disappoint! I’m excited to be sharing another great book on a Lone Star Lit Book Blog Tour; many thanks to the author for providing me with a copy of the book and offering up one FANTASTIC giveaway (make sure you check it out and enter. I’ll give you two hints: books and coffee!) Read on to see why I love this one SO much – and why it will make me add this genre back into my regular book…