Book Review: Answers in the Pages by David Levithan
I have to give a great big thank you to one of my teen’s former middle school language arts teachers for recommending Answers in the Pages by author David Levithan. It’s lovely, timely, and important. There are so many wonderful lines in this book that it was difficult to narrow down which to share, but this one hit me hard enough that I wrote it on a sticky note: “While the meaning of a book may be informed by the author’s intentions, it isn’t defined by them. Meaning comes from the combination of what the author puts in, and what the reader takes out.” As a writer, I can only…
The Girl of Hawthorn And Glass by Adan Jerreat-Poole – Book Review
If you’re looking for a YA fantasy that is dark and wild and imaginative that also has great LGBTQ+ rep, look no further than Adan Jerreat-Poole’s recent release, The Girl of Hawthorn and Glass. The world-building in this story is beyond imagination (I got some Wrinkle in Time vibes). Read on for my review in which I struggled to capture exactly why I couldn’t put this book down. I was provided an eARC of this book from Dundurn Press via NetGalley for review purposes; all opinions are my own. This post contains some affiliate links that may earn me a commission if you purchase through them. The Deets: My Thoughts:…