• adventures

    Holiday Fun at the Perot Museum (+ Giveaways)

      Dallas friends, be sure to set aside time over the holiday break to head downtown for a family trip to the Perot Museum of Nature and Science!  Yesterday I zipped into the city for Family Blogger Day at the Perot, where we were able to explore the new exhibits and check out the new 3-D films in the theater, and I guarantee, you won’t be disappointed!   Dr. Ron Tykoski, a paleontologist and fossil preparator at the Perot Museum, was on hand to talk to us about Ellie May, a Columbian wooly mammoth who was discovered last year outside of Italy, Texas in a gravel pit during excavation.  They’ve…

  • adventures,  An American in Wales,  Travel

    So I’m Not Actually Silent on Sunday….

    I’m not so good at being silent on Sunday. (Or any other day, really, but I digress….) Some days I post a photo, but really, I want to tell the WHOLE story. This is the post-script to today’s “Silent Sunday” post. Weekends are for exploring. Quite possibly my favorite place in all of this lovely town is the Warren. I walk our mad spaniel there several days a week, exhausting us both throwing sticks into the river for her to fetch. And mostly return. (Some get eaten. Bad dog.) It has an ethereal quality, particularly on days that are a bit overcast. Sunny days are stunning, but there seems to…