Book Review: Grown-Up Pose by Sonya Lalli
I really enjoyed Sonya Lalli’s first book, The Matchmaker’s List, and so I have been looking forward to reading Grown-Up Pose. I think I enjoyed Grown-Up Pose even more! This is a story of one woman’s journey of self-discovery. Let’s get this out of the way: the blurb for Grown-Up Pose is a little misleading. From the blurb, you might think this is about a woman who owns a yoga studio, but the studio itself doesn’t much come into play until the last bit of the plot. It’s everything that happens with Anu before and after the studio purchase that really makes the story. So Anu is a woman who…
On Putting Myself First . Or Fifty-second.
I suck at putting myself first. Or second. Or fifty-second, for that matter. Is this a mom thing? Or just me. As I lay on the table at my physical therapy appointment on Wednesday, the therapist attacking my leg (technically, my iliotibial band, which I still haven’t actually located anatomically yet) with what looks like a bumpy rolling-pin stick of evil, commenting on how this really is one of their more torturous tasks – which I would wholeheartedly agree with if I could get my gritted teeth to separate, instead grunting in agreement – and I had to ask myself: “How did it come to this?” From my twenties to mid-thirties, I…
Finding Purpose and Being Enough
While the rest of the house quietly sleeps, I am cleaning bathrooms and mopping floors. Yes, mopping. I can’t vacuum just yet, because it’s still too loud, even though I did manage to find a relatively quiet one after reading reviews on sites like https://allgreatvacuums.com/best-cordless-sweeper-reviews-for-floor-and-carpets/. My husband hears it from a mile off so I do try to avoid it. I do love mopping though; it’s so peaceful, and as the mop sweeps back and forth across the hardwood, the sponge squeaks softly, the rhythm hypnotic, as I ponder my purpose. Yes, my purpose. An odd thought at 11:30 at night, but so is mopping, I suppose. There really is…
My Cybermummy 11 Roundup (or how I got my groove back)
On Sunday night, I cleaned dog poo off of my son’s Crocs. It was a brutal return to reality for me, having just stepped off a train from London where I had spent the weekend attending Cybermummy 11. To say it was overwhelming was an understatement: with over 400 fellow bloggers in attendance, this tongue-tied self-conscious gal really had to step out of her comfort zone. But. Still. I did it. And I learned a lot. I learned that meeting people that you have been tweeting with for ages is easier than you think. And that with some, it is like running into an old friend – you just click.…