• Books

    The Soul of Christmas by Thomas Moore

    No matter how much you may love Christmas, seeing decorations in the stores before the Halloween candy has even been cleared out can definitely dampen your spirits. Every year, the season feels to be more and more commercialized, and our holiday season becomes more frantic as we get caught up in making it the best, most perfect holiday ever.  If this all sounds exhausting, then Thomas Moore’s latest book, The Soul of Christmas, might be just the thing to cure what ails you. Genre: Religion & Spirituality, Christmas Publisher: Franciscan Media Publication Date: September 30, 2016 Hardcover: 160 Pages Synopsis “If you enter the spirit of Christmas, the child could be born in…

  • Uncategorized

    What My Grandfather Said

        My grandfather was not a church-goer. He was, however, a deeply spiritual man who would say “you don’t need to go to Church to talk to God – you can talk to him anywhere”. Which was good, because Papa Dan was more than a little hard of hearing in his later years, so I’m sure those conversations were pretty loud. “Well, hello, love” was his standard greeting. He was a sentimental fellow, the type who saved birthday cards and as such, you spent twice as much time picking out his as you did anyone else’s, because he let you know that he pulled out those old cards and…