• Books

    What I’m Reading Wednesday: A Hope Remembered

    Guess what day it is? It’s What I’m Reading Wednesday! This week I’m talking about A Hope Remembered, the third book in Stacy Henrie’s “Of Love and War” series. I loved this book so I’m thrilled to be participating in her release week blitz – and not just because it means I had the chance to do a Q&A with her!  But first, the book: The final chapter in the “of Love and War” trilogy, A Hope Remembered is the story of Nora Lewis. Heartbroken over the loss of her fiancé in the Great War and the death of her parents, the inheritance of a sheep farm in England seems like the opportunity a new start.…

  • Books

    What I’m Reading Wednesday – Wartime Stories

    Reading is a great form of escapism for me, and sometimes, when the world seems too complicated,  I reach for historical fiction – particularly fiction set around the first and second World Wars, because life at that time seemed simpler.  Love wasn’t over thought and life was about family and faith. Well, sure, that is a generalization, and every generation had its share of problems and conflict, but life in general was simpler, and romance was sweet. So for What I’m Reading Wednesday, I’m sharing two books set in and post-wartime. Hope Rising, the second book from the “Of Love and War” series by Stacy Henrie. While part of a…