The Fifteen Wonders of Daniel Green by Erica Boyce
Thanks to NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read an advance copy of The Fifteen Wonders of Daniel Green, which is a wonderful read for lovers of literary fiction. This one caused all the feels, so grab your tissues when you pick up your own copy of this story. Initially, this is a story about crop circles – yes, those otherworldly designs that appear in fields of corn or wheat. This plot line provides the basis for multiple storylines involving both Daniel Green, the crop circler, and the family he creates it for. Ultimately, this a story about family and forgiveness. There’s a bit of symbolism in the design that…
Thursday Things
With spring break behind me, I’ve got a lot of things rattling in my head. Most of it isn’t enough for a full post, but are loosely related. Thursday Things is a bit of a brain dump – a bit of what I’m excited about, a bit of what has me frustrated, and it all took place during spring break. Oh, and there are affiliate links in this post. I talk about those, too. Kind of. Shh. • • • In Which I Get On My Soapbox and Rant About Coaches and Vacations Last week was spring break for our school district. We didn’t go anywhere because we are rule…