• Mother

    10 Things My Mother Taught Me

    *Today’s post is from Mother’s Day 2011 as it’s one of my favorite Mother’s Day posts, and it still holds true. Happy Mother’s Day to all my readers who have joined the rank of “Mom”, whichever way brought you here.*   There are SO many things we learn from our mothers: to tie our shoes, to say “please” and “thank you”, how to cook (coughs), to be kind to others. Really, we learn to be good humans, if we are fortunate enough to be blessed with a loving, caring mother.  So in narrowing down the list, I decided to skip the obvious things and go with those that really resonate…

  • mothers-day

    The Mother’s Day Gift That Keeps on Giving…Laughter

    Yesterday I was trying to take a break from social media and be present and in the moment and all that stuff but today, I really need to share with you the gifts I was given for Mother’s Day. My Mother’s Day started with the offer of breakfast. Ish. “Would you like me to make you a bagel, Mom?” Hmm. “How about a bowl of Cheerios, with strawberries?” My 10-year-old nodded confidently. “I can do that, Mom”. (I guess it’s well past time to teacher her how to scramble an egg. She’s finally tall enough where I won’t worry – much – about her setting fire to herself at the…