Ten Things That Make Me Stupidly Happy
Kat Bouska has a prompt on her blog that asks for ten things that make you happy. It was a really appealing idea as there’s so much going on in the world right now that make me angry and sad. Note: I try not speak of those things because if you need to hear about them, that’s what Twitter is for these days. I gave it the briefest amount of thought and decided I was going to make a list – a mostly shallow list – of ten things that make me stupidly happy. These aren’t momentous things, but little things that brighten my day. This is by no means…
8 Reasons Summers Were Better When I Was A Kid
We’re nearly at a third of the way through summer vacation, and after a day like today, I have to wonder…how did my mom manage to READ so often in the summer when I was a kid? Seriously, the first two memories that come to mind when I look back at my mom during our summer vacations (when we weren’t reading) were of her (a) curled up with a book on the TV room* sofa, telling me to “put down my book and get outside”, and (b) vacuuming**. (*Why we called it the “tv room” when the entire wall the tiny TV sat upon was actually a bookshelf, and nearly every…
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What My Grandfather Said
My grandfather was not a church-goer. He was, however, a deeply spiritual man who would say “you don’t need to go to Church to talk to God – you can talk to him anywhere”. Which was good, because Papa Dan was more than a little hard of hearing in his later years, so I’m sure those conversations were pretty loud. “Well, hello, love” was his standard greeting. He was a sentimental fellow, the type who saved birthday cards and as such, you spent twice as much time picking out his as you did anyone else’s, because he let you know that he pulled out those old cards and…
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Independence Day
As one might imagine, here in the UK the “4th of July” is merely the day that follows the 3rd of July, a fact that still continues to mystify my children. Go figure. So while we would historically be watching a parade in our hometown and then heading to my Aunt Merrie’s for a party in her pool and maybe a drink or two….(gone are the days of Mom’s cousin Gary’s sideline-style drinks cooler of Long Island Iced Teas, thankyouverymuch, as I’ve got my kids with me now), we play it low-key now. Very low-key. Since it’s a work/school day for us here. Still, we gave it our best attempt.…