
Fill in the Blanks Friday – Shopping is Fun

As today is Black Friday in the U.S., today’s blanks are all about shopping! (Here in the U.K., I’m sitting with Pea on the sofa, watching Aladdin and eating a snack as school closed early due to snow….

But I’m thinking of all of you in the States, up at the crack of dawn (right about when I’m going for coffee with my girlfriends), slogging thru jammed malls and crazed Targets and manic Wal-Marts.  Here we go!

1. Black Friday is insanity, really. I like the idea of going out and getting my shopping done, but with a million pushing, shoving strangers? No thanks.

2. Christmas shopping this year will include a lot of online shopping and one-stop shopping, at a leisurely pace. Boo’s letter to Santa was all about tractors – one trip to the John Deere store and to the farm shop, and I’m pretty much done with him! And most of Pea’s requests were cheaper online (with free delivery).

3. Holiday shopping makes me stressed out. Every year I tell myself “this year, I’m going to finish before Thanksgiving”. It never happens and I end up chasing one last thing right up until Christmas eve. Not. This. Year.

4. This year, my Christmas list will include not much – and mostly wishful things, which I know I won’t get – so I suppose it isn’t much different a 6-year-old asking for a pony. A girl can dream! (Its nothing that fanciful or out of reach, of course…just a bit of stuff to annoy the Hubs.)

5. Bargain hunter, or full price shopper? Bargain hunter as much as I can to offset the gifts that I know I just won’t find on sale!

6. The best and worst things about shopping are that I enjoy it by myself when I can take my time, and its fun with others when I don’t have gifts I HAVE to find/have a huge list to power through or when I won’t be waffling over a purchase with indecision – I hate to be rushed and to make others wait. The worst thing about shopping is battling crowds of impatient people, grouchy sales clerks and then discovering what you wanted is sold out.

7. Online shopper or in-person shopper? Both – I’m happy to shop online for things like video games, DVDs, children’s toys (requested). I’d much prefer to buy items like clothing or more personal gifts in person.


How would you fill in the blanks? If you’ve any energy left after shopping, reply in the comments section or on the lovely Lauren’s blog, the little things we do

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